rubber ball, erica link, spanish

I found a bouncy rubber ball on the football field yesterday. I am now a very dangerous man. (Not that I wasn’t before.) My day has been divided into four basic parts: bounce-off-the-wall, bounce-off-the-ceiling, bounce-off-the-floor, and (most thrillingly) bounce-off-the-point-where-two-walls-meet-to-try-to-get-it-to-bounce back-directly-at-me. If I had a pet, it’d be injured by now.
Congrats to Erica on her new look. (Both the new look of her blog and, if one can believe this photo, the haircut she got sometime after age 17 — a nice improvement. 🙂 )
(Has there ever been an official declaration of proper parenthesis use when a clause ends in a smilie? Is that “:) )” double usage correct? Where’s the W3C when you need them?)
I start Spanish class Tuesday night. Today, I went to the SMU bookstore to buy the textbook and had to ask someone with a straight face, “Excuse me, but do you have ‘Spanish Is Fun’?” I felt like a second grader.

3 thoughts on “rubber ball, erica link, spanish”

  1. Yeah, the haircut came very shortly after that picture was taken. Too bad the boyfriend at the time couldn’t see it as improvement.

  2. If I recall correctly, you cut all your hair off yourself in the middle of the night. And didn’t mom not recognize you when you came home from school that semester??

  3. Yes, I did cut it off in the middle of the night. And, yes, mom walked right by me in the airport…I had failed to mention all my hair was gone.

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