guitars, richard lloyd’s guitar lessons

At the end of a date, a woman looking around my apartment once told me: “You know what I like about you? You’re not one of those guys who play guitar. You know the kind of guy I’m talking about.”
I pointed to the guitar case sitting not 15 feet from her shoes. She quickly backtracked. Perhaps it was good enough that I’m not one of those guys who play guitar well.
If I were interested in getting beyond the 12 or so chords I know, I can think of few better teachers than Television‘s Richard Lloyd, whose solos on Marquee Moon are still blowing minds 25 years later. (A more recent vintage of music fans may know him for his guitar work on Matthew Sweet’s 1990s albums.) His lessons look too technical for me, but no doubt are essential for any budding art-punks in the audience.

5 thoughts on “guitars, richard lloyd’s guitar lessons”

  1. Marquee Moon is one of those albums that fits in the “If I were stranded on a desert island” category.

  2. You’ve gotta hate those Cat Stevensy, Blackie Lawlessy, Albert Kingy, Reverend Carey Landry-y guys…

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