march signups

Alarming fact: 319 people signed up for the CD Mix of the Month club this month. Jumpin’ jehosaphat! I’d better make this one good.

9 thoughts on “march signups”

  1. I think the high response rate on the CDOTM club may be due to the a). Excellent musical taste you exude; 2). Your world view; 3) the NY Times; d) all or none of the above….

  2. with a 3minute burner and software set to burn multiple copies in the background w/ auto eject, it’s 16 hours “on the computer doing other things” and swapping discs every time the drawer pops out … math is your friend.

  3. well, mr./ms. know math, nice try, but your assumptions are wrong. it takes me 10 minutes to burn a disc (slow old burner). i have a few friends who help me out.

  4. I think a factor in the jump of new members this month could be your website being on display at I found your site under the menu selection “LIFESTYLES,” then the “Cool Sites” selection.

  5. Josh,
    Two questions. First, with all the attention CDMOM is getting, are you worried about an RIAA lawsuit? Secondly, what are you doing with all the discs you get? I participated in the club for about 6 months and stopped when I ran out of space to store all the discs I was getting. For some reason I can’t bring myself to get rid of the ones I don’t like.

  6. Hey Mike — long time no hear! 1. Nah, I’m not too worried. As soon as I start getting trouble, I’ll shut the thing down. I like CDMOM, but not *that* much. 2. At the moment, all the mix CDs are sitting in boxes near my feet. I hope to listen to them all by the time I die.

  7. maybe it’s time to adopt some of the old analog tape tree procedures: split recording and delivery tasks among most “trustworthy” (i.e. most senior volunteers) participants; send them your copy for recording plus any additional cds from those sending 2 copies; require submitters to send SASE. Recorders are encouraged to volunteer by getting opportunity to tape the extra CDs.

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