tx pol blind item

Not to be all Drudge-like, but don’t be surprised if you hear some very big news regarding a major Texas political leader in the next 24-48 hours.

12 thoughts on “tx pol blind item”

  1. Nah…all I’ve got is an unconfirmed rumor that’s been all over Austin today. But if it’s true, it’s a big one.

  2. OK, but I’ll play 20 questions: is the major Texas political leader currently President of the United States?

  3. Okay, I’ll play One Question: No, it is not the POTUS. I’m talking an elected public official of the State of Texas.
    But that is the last question I shall answer, alas.

  4. Ok… it is now Feb 15 4:30 PM where I am typing this (12 time zones earlier than austin time)…
    Tell us the ruuuummmmoooorrrrr please

  5. Guess YOU’RE deffinetly NOT in the same league with Drudge, huh dumb$hit? It’s now the 16th, where’s the “beef”, amateur?
    (13 February 2004) “. . . very big news regarding a major Texas political leader in the next 24-48 hours.”

  6. Barney Fife?…I love it. The internet continues to be nurturing ground for people to release hidden anger and rudeness for no particular reason. Love it!
    Nice reply Josh.

  7. Is this the rumor about Bush’s brother, Neil, who is on some board of a chinese company being busted with 4 prostitutes in Hong Kong? A political insider friend mentioned this to me yesterday.

  8. Apparently this site is populated by DNC “wanna-be’s” with real short memories about just who Presidential 90% of America asked to reap vengence for 9-11. Can you just imagine what you’re likely hero Al Gore would have done. Bomb some Aspirin or baby Food factories, like his boss did while getting his hummer under the Oval Office desk.
    Josh, your touted “comeback” was pretty pathetic at best, but also the best that a pinko Lefty can muster anyway.
    Hey dudes! Planes leaving ALL the time for sunny Cuba or North Korea! Your loving brothers will, I’m SURE, welcome you with open arms . . . and shovels to toss the shit you’re good at leaving on sites like this.
    Better Red than dead???

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