joke copycat

Kristin emails me to point out I’m not the first person to notice the similarity between ferreterias and ferrets.
To which I say: Are you, ma’am, implying that my sense of humor is anything other than completely and utterly original, that it was not sprung fully formed from the skull of Zeus untainted by the “senses” of “humor” held by other Texas-based Internet “personalities”? Are you meaning to say that a joke birthed by me, the proprietor of, could possibly have a separate point of origin and have been earlier midwifed by another individual?
What utter hogwash!

2 thoughts on “joke copycat”

  1. Wish I knew about these ferreterias before. So many american kids email through my ferret site asking if I can ship a baby ferret to them. Now I can direct them to a mexican hardware store instead, yippee!

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