If my eyes look droopy today, it’s because I spent the weekend moving. Jesus H., I had no idea I had so much stuff. Thankfully, there’s less of it than there used to be, since I’ve been trimming — sold about 150 books to Half Price, threw out 500-plus magazines, tossed about 400 old newspapers, and preparing to throw out countless clothes. (I still have clothes in my closet I haven’t worn since high school.)
My new address is on the Contact page, if you need it. Not too far from my old place.
Finally, a deal for all crabwalk.com readers!
Two items — my living room couch and my upstairs desk — could not make it into the apartment, despite valient efforts from the movers. I thus have no use for them. Either is free for the taking for any crabwalk.com reader who can cart them away. Just drop me a line or give me a call. Anyone who’s been to my place can vouch for the fact my couch is extremely comfy.