two stories in today’s paper

For those of you who wonder if I ever do any work, I’ve got two — count ’em, two — stories in today’s paper. On the front page, a piece on rural schools switching to a four-day school week, and on the Metro front page, a piece on a test run of the state’s new standardized test.
Alas, on that second story, The Powers That Be ended up taking out the third paragraph of the faux-movie-promo lead: You’ll never look at a No. 2 pencil the same way again.

One thought on “two stories in today’s paper”

  1. i read the front page story at lunch today. I liked the ferris b. reference.
    i think if you extrapolated the longer day/4 day school week idea further and polled students, you would find 98% in favor of a single 35 hour school day once a week.

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