Why Kobe Bryant can’t get a shoe deal: He’s not “urban” enough. And he speaks Italian.
At the public courts on Venice Beach, the mention of Bryant’s name provokes mixed emotions ? not the urge to splurge on his footwear. After a spirited pickup game, Rich Baderinwa said he respects Bryant’s game but can’t see himself in Bryant’s shoes. He scoffed in particular at Bryant’s attempt at rapping. “His rap was whack,” said Baderinwa, 26, of Venice. “When he put out that CD, nobody bought it. And you know why nobody bought it? Because nobody bought him.”
Category: Uncategorized
dmn valentine letter
Who says the DMN doesn’t have a sense of humor? Dear stranger in my house…
Happy Valentine’s day, everyone. Me, I spent my morning hanging out at The Institute for the Study of Man and Earth. (Pretty broad mission, that.)
tribute to avril
I think I’m right to be frightened: A Tribute to Avril Lavigne, coming soon to a CD store near you. Isn’t it a bit early for this?
(Although I do have a bootleg Dismemberment Plan show where they drop the chorus of “Complicated” in the middle of their show-closer. Entertaining proof here.)
What I wouldn’t give for a Dallas version of Flavorpill. (Guidelive is great and all, but something more editorially discerning would be great.)
tribe to reunite?
Great news: A Tribe Called Quest is talking about reuniting. Reunited and it feels so good! Or, as Q-Tip would put it: “Okay, if knowledge is the key then just show me the lock. Got the scrawny legs but I move just like Lou Brock.”
Now all we need is Black Sheep to return to form, and it’ll be 1991 all over again.
mix 102 dot 9
Sign No. 3,497,263 of the Internet’s encroaching role in popular culture: Driving back from Louisiana Monday, I came across Shreveport radio station KBED at 102.9 FM. But during station breaks, instead of calling themselves “one oh two point nine,” they called themselves “one oh two dot nine.” Dot. As in dot-com or dot-org.
Sign No. 1,647,748 of how far the Internet still has to go: The radio station in question doesn’t have a web site.
alan greenspan for apple
mogwai pacemaker
Buy Mogwai drummer Martin Bulloch’s pacemaker! Bidding’s at $102 at the moment, with three days left to go. Straight from the heart, directly to you.
march signups
Alarming fact: 319 people signed up for the CD Mix of the Month club this month. Jumpin’ jehosaphat! I’d better make this one good.
personality test
If you’re one of those people who obsesses over the difference between an INFP and an ESTJ — and you know who you are — the Hartman Value Profile may be for you. As This American Life put it last weekend (about 42 minutes into that RealAudio file):
“A standardized test, just eighteen questions long, created by scientists, that not only can tell you things about yourself that will haunt you for weeks, it can diagnose just how good you are…and how evil.”