sunset, sxsw

I volunteer at Sunset High School here in Dallas. Every week, I have to walk right past the home-ec room (or whatever it is they call home-ec rooms nowadays). They have the best-smelling cookies for sale, every morning. You can smell them three hallways away. I don’t see how anyone gets any work done.
On an unrelated note, everyone reading this should go to SXSW Interactive in Austin this March. Yours truly will be opining on a panel (alongside Matt Haughey and J.D. Lasica) about…um…something or another.

mr blackwell’s list

Mr. Blackwell’s annual list of worst-dressed celebs is out again. Anyone else wonder what Herr Blackwell does for the other 364 days out of the year, when he’s not thinking up bon mots about the ill-attired? (“Anna [Nicole Smith]’s fashion follies are the worst of the year…don’t bother with a new designer, Anna, just hire a structural engineer!”) Seems like a somewhat sad existence.
One thing we know he’s not busy doing: fixing his web site, last updated in 1997. And seriously, this man is a self-appointed arbiter of style? The man looks like the announcer on a Game Show Network rerun.

david samuels

Is it just me, or is David Samuels the worst rock critic writing today? (One of life’s mysteries: how Slate can be so smart on political and business analysis and so bad on cultural coverage. I mean, abysmal.) He’s just so consistently disappointing — you can almost see the boys in Redmond thinking, “That David, he must be plugged in to what the kids like these days.”
This “indie-rock year in review” was an embarassment. (“The most important story of the year in indie rock is that Elliott Smith didn’t release a record…Only the redoubtable Cat Power (whose new record will be coming out in February on Matador), the queen of sadcore, continues to make the case for indie rock as a world apart.” Puh-leeze. Elliott Smith spending the year with a heroin needle in his arm instead of recording is the biggest story of the year? Only Cat Power is “keeping it real” [chest thump] by staying on an indie? The Guided By Voices record was the “best rock record of the year”? Somebody, pull this man out of 1996!)
And let’s not even discuss his claim that the Vines are better than the Strokes, the White Stripes, and the Hives. (“As a result, Highly Evolved now stands a mere 12,000 units away from the magic 500,000 threshold required for earning a gold record. So go buy it. That’s my advice. The Vines deserve a gold record as much as any band in the business

back from blog vacation, sam roe’s series

Happy new year! My blog vacation is ending with a vengeance, I promise you. (It was partly caused by a host snafu, joined with a forced but complicated switch from Berkeley to MySQL databasing on the backend of this site. Non-technical readers: I promise no more posts about Berkeley or MySQL for the rest of winter.)
If you’re (a) an environmentalist, (b) a car enthusiast, or (c) a policy wonk, you’ll be interested in Supercar: The tanking of an American dream, a series that just ran in the Chicago Tribune. It’s by my ol’ bud Sam Roe, who I sat next to at my old job. It’s all about how a project to build an 80-mpg family car got scuttled by government and industry intrigue. (Warning: like all Sam Roe stories, this one’s an epic. Read it in chunks, or be prepared to set aside a decent percentage of your day.)