txcn on school finance

Crabwalkophiles may wish to turn their TVs to TXCN between 4:00 and 5:00 this afternoon, where I’ll be pretending to know a lot about school finance.
(Fans of the ESPN program Around the Horn will be pleased to know I’ll be sitting in Tim Cowlishaw’s usual chair, mere feet from my desk.)
The fantasy football gods appear to have come through for me — barring a major explosion in production from Derrick Mason and Keith Bullock in tonight’s Monday Night Football game, it appears I’m headed to the finals. Woot!

donna rice hughes

Autobiography’s a funny thing. People made famous for their illicit behavior often want to trade on that fame — but without reminding anyone why, exactly, they came to the public’s attention in the first place.
They aspire to that special class of famous people who are famous for reasons no one quite remembers, like Shadoe Stevens or Richard Simmons.
In other words, they’re like Donna Rice Hughes. Go read that bio and see if anything jumps out at you. “Donna has given over 2500 media interviews, having appeared on virtually every national news program,” it says. Nowhere does it mention the two words that tell why, exactly, Donna Rice is famous: Gary Hart.
That’s selective autobiography at its finest.
By the way, the most annoying line by far in Donna Rice Hughes’ official bio: “Additionally, she is the Founder and Principal of DRH Enterprises, LLC, a vehicle for the honest exploration of major issues facing our culture today.” Gag.