NOOOO! Where will I steal my links from now? A truly sad day.
Category: Uncategorized
september cdmom listing up
The September mix is up for all to see, FYI. And the Rocktober mix is all ready to burn — both literally and figuratively.
mazie’s okay, lili’s done
Well, Mazie’s survived. “I have never been through something so scary my whole life,” she said — and this is from someone who went through the trauma of raising me! Rayne took a real beating: lots of debris everywhere, roofs torn off, a few building collapses, and (says Mazie) “the water plant got torn in half.” Today’ll probably go down as the worst day in the city’s history.
But, for my more parochial concerns, Mazie’s house and the two next door suffered only minor damage. The house I grew up in had its back door blown off, an old tree is mostly uprooted, part of a tin roof was ripped off, and part of a carport is teetering on the edge of collapse. But all the walls are still standing, in roughly the same locations they used to. Disaster seemingly averted.
A PR flack today told me I sounded “grumpy as hell,” so I apologize to anyone who’s talked to me in the last two days or (in advance) to anyone who’ll talk to me in the next couple.
I know I just had one, but damn, I need a vacation.
eye close to passing rayne
All hell’s breaking loose in Rayne. They’re still a few minutes from the eye passing over, which means they’re getting the really nasty winds in the inner wall right now. The big tree across the street from my house was just uprooted and smashed into a car. The tin roof on the house next door is close to coming off. Local TV’s reporting four tornadoes within five miles of the house. Mazie’s scared, which isn’t easy to do. My mom’s car’s evidently had some stray tin sheets slam into it. Damn, I wish we had home insurance.
As of 12 p.m., Rayne’s directly at the center of the storm.
broad prize story
My dull story from today’s front page.
hurricane lili keeps kicking ass
10 a.m. update: The electricity cut out about an hour ago at my grandmother‘s house. This is most troubling because that means her oxygen machine can’t run, and she’s only got about a day’s worth of gas in her portable unit. Hopefully this’ll all be over by then.
Lili’s headed straight for Rayne. The eye’s expected to go over my childhood home in about another hour. Thankfully, the storm’s been downgraded to a Category 2, which isn’t quite so bad-ass. And Rayne’s far enough inland that flooding shouldn’t be too bad. Still, she reports there are already tree limbs breaking off all around her, and she’s heard about five electrical transformers explode so far this morning. Damn you, Lili, damn you!
hurricane lili in the house
Please send good vibes to my hometown of Rayne, Louisiana and to my grandmother there. Both are about to get a serious ass-whoopin’ courtesy of Hurricane Lili.
If you’re wondering, this is where Rayne is relative to the aforementioned ass-whoopin’, all 140 mph of it.
oozeball story
Very short story of mine in today’s paper. This is my first step to becoming the paper’s full-time oozeball reporter.
selling organs a bad idea
What astounding new knowledge will science give us next? Selling organs a bad idea, research says.
belated happy birthday to crabwalk
I just realized I completely overlooked the one-year anniversary of