In case anyone’s wondering, my grandmother is under strict orders to stay inside. One of the recent West Nile deaths was about 20 miles from her house, and there was a confirmed infection about eight miles down the road.
Not that it takes much convincing to get her to stay inside. It’s August in south Louisiana — she’s not stupid.
Category: Uncategorized
wbap appearance
I promise this site will soon stop be about my media whoring and be more about traditional subjects, like M&M color controversies and how to impress a woman on less than $30 a night. But I’ll be on WBAP AM 820 at 10:06 a.m. tomorrow, after my appearance on KLIF this afternoon. (Dedicated fans outside the Metroplex will note that both stations stream their audio live online. And I’ll be on TXCN at 4:10 instead of 4:20 this afternoon, repeating through the early evening. Really, this will all be over soon — it’s very unseemly, I know.)
dick posthumus for governor
I generally try to avoid potty humor on, but I’m inclined to move to Michigan and vote for this guy just for giggles.
back to school tab, taks story
For those wondering what else has been keeping me so damned busy the last couple weeks, here’s another answer: the DMN’s back to school section. As U.S. News and World Report would say, “It’s news you can use!”
I had four stories in the section: one on the federal rights guaranteed to special ed students, one on how to be a geek and research your school on that newfangled Internet, one on the state’s early reading test, and one on education acronyms.
On top of that, here’s my story from today’s front page, on the new, tougher state standardized test, the TAKS.
It’s been a busy couple of weeks.
jb on klif radio
Also: I’ll be on Greg Knapp‘s talk show on KLIF AM 570 tomorrow afternoon at 6:43 p.m. (Oh, the precision of the electronic media!) Mom always said I had a face made for radio.
new education page
For those wondering what’s been keeping me so damned busy the last couple weeks, here’s one answer: The Dallas Morning News’ new education page. (And yes, I know there are a couple layout screwups — I’ve been trying to get those fixed for days, to no avail. I did code the thing, but a few things were out of my control. Harrumph.)
patterned shirt on txcn, media appearances
Bad luck is wearing a vaguely loud, two-sizes-too-large patterned shirt to work, then being told you’re going to be on TV that afternoon. Live TV, no less.
Those seeking excuses to taunt and giggle at my expense should know I’ll be on TXCN every day this week, live, at about 4:20 p.m. This is along with WFAA tomorrow morning around 9:20 and a couple radio talk shows. I’m getting overexposed.
roeper on rape
Richard Roeper has some interesting thoughts on the identifying rape victims issue. (He makes reference to an Omaha column in the story; here it is.)
st rita catholic story
Good morning! Here’s my story from today’s newspaper, on how a local Catholic school is asking all of its parents to undergo a criminal background check.
livan hernandez, happy but sad
Classic journalism, about the fact Giants RHP Livan Hernandez wasn’t traded before this week’s deadline:
San Jose Mercury News: Hernandez happy to stay after hearing trade talk.
Contra Costa Times: Distraught Hernandez would have liked trade.