alarm clocks

Almost every night, before I go to bed, I set my alarm for 6 a.m. or so and tell myself I’ll get up early. I’ve got a lot of work to do now, between my job and some freelance stuff, and I need all the spare hours I can get.
And almost every morning, at 6 a.m., I reset the alarm for 7 a.m. Then 8 a.m. Then 9 a.m. Then a snooze (9:09), another (9:18), then usually another (9:27). Sometimes, there’s one or two more. I drag my sorry self out of bed, head for work, and thank heavens that my job starts at 10 a.m., a sane, humane hour.
But today was an exception: I got up at 6, went to work — and promptly wasted three hours surfing the web, reading blogs, and writing silly email. That was so much more productive.