ryan adams

”I really like the idea that if you’re an artist, then you should double up the amount of work that you would normally have, because you’re being handed a dream. I’ve worked on houses and built new plumbing and had really bad jobs. If I’m going to be a musician, that’s a pretty big responsibility. That means that I get excluded from the working class — I better have something to show for it.”
Ryan Adams, impossibly prolific rock wunderkind (whose new album, Gold, shows every sign of justifying the astounding hype that’s surrounded it, by the way), in The Boston Globe. Ryan just released his third album of the last 12 months, and he’s got two more in the can.

2 thoughts on “ryan adams”

  1. Gold is very, very good. There’s a bit too much of it, probably — 21 tracks, 90 minutes, 2 discs — but it could be edited down to a 50-minute masterpiece. It’s got a real nice early-70s Gram Parsons/Allman Brothers/singer-songwriter vibe.

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