colonel jeffrey pumpernickel

Want to convince Aunt Jolene that the time-tested two-table Thanksgiving system should be upgraded to three (the adult table, the kiddie table, and the freak table, just for you)? Try putting Colonel Jeffrey Pumpernickel on the CD player during your turducken carving. What an odd compilation of indie rockers obscure (The Minders, Howe Gelb), really obscure (Weird War, Goldcard), and not so obscure (Guided By Voices, Stephen Malkmus). It’s that weariest of old ideas, a concept album. (Although at times it appears the concept is limited to, “Hey guys, let’s all make a concept album.”)
Underwater fire battles, the great animals vs. robots debate, Oedipal complexes, severe allergies: it’s all in there. Spotty, and a bit too odd at times, but always interesting, and in the Ann Magnuson/Dave Rick tune “Dr. Mom,” it might have the oddest song of 2001. (It details, among other things, bedwetting, muhajadeen guides, an encounter with John Entwistle, spawning salmon, and the trouble with playing with baby bears.)
Switching topics, I don’t watch much TV back in Dallas, but I always catch up when I’m in Rayne where, to be brutally frank, there ain’t much else to do. So my first (and likely last) television review of the new season: that Ed show is pretty darned good. Wow, that blonde is pretty damned hot. But the true star (I hope at least, after viewing part of one episode) is Michael Ian Black. I have no idea if he’s any good as Phil, but he was brilliant at the English-challenged Johnny Bluejeans on the late, lamented Viva Variety.

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