eddie bauer deal

Last minute Christmas shopping left to do? Well, if your friends and/or family like to look raffishly faux-rough hewn while tooling around town in their SUV, eddiebauer.com has a pretty silly deal going on: $20 off orders of $20 or more. (You just need to enter the coupon code 6033059 upon checkout.)
Well, it’s not quite as perfect as that, since their silly policies throw about $10 onto any cheap item there (at least $4.95 shipping, $3.00 “handling,” and tax, at least in Texas). But it does end up cutting the price of anything about $10. Search for something that costs $21 or so and you’ll come out paying only about $12. And there’s evidently no limit on how many times to use it.
Crabwalk.com: I work for you!