lord of the rings

This morning, my mother came into my room at about 8:30 a.m. This being a Saturday, I was fast asleep. She said she and a friend were going to see Lord of the Rings this afternoon at the nearest movie theater (which is in the next town over, Crowley) and wanted to know if I wanted to come. I said okay; she said she was planning to show up an hour early at the theater and camp out for tickets.
As I said, I was essentially still asleep, but I was conscious enough to think: “Huh? Camping out for movie tickets for a matinee in Crowley? Crowley, city of maybe 13,000 people? That little four-screen movie theater, which probably didn’t sell out a single screen for Titanic or Harry Potter or Star Wars?” I don’t there’s ever been an hour-long line for anything in Crowley — not for boudin at the Rice Festival, not for diplomas at Crowley High graduation, and certainly not for a movie.
I somehow through the haze negotiated her down to showing up at 1:30 for a 2:00 show. Of course, we were the first people there and looked pretty damned silly standing in our little three-person line waiting for the ticket window to open. Only 12 or 15 people showed up for the movie at all. I’d say I told you so, but I’m above that, of course. (So I just blog it instead.)

3 thoughts on “lord of the rings”

  1. I went to see Lord of the Rings today too, and there was a line out the door because apparently Cecil is way more hip than Crowley.

  2. Hey, I’m not a Crowley defender — attack away. Ever since they stole the parish seat away from us back in 1886, we Rayne types have had no love lost for Crowley.

  3. Lesley, me, Kim, Dale and Ryan all took in Lord of the Rings last night in Maumee. That movie rocks! Way better than Ocean’s 11 and, while I never say Harry Potter, I’m betting it’s better than that too. The only bad part of the movie was I paid 75 cents extra to get what I thought was a Lord of the Rings popcorn bucket but instead I later realized it was a Harry Potter popcorn bucket. Argh!

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