big brothers

Update: Some time ago, I wrote about how I was trying to become a Big Brother for a ninth-grader here in Dallas, and how I was worried because my interviewer asked me all sorts of kiddie porn/drug use/Satan worship questions that a friend of mine going through the same process didn’t get. Well, today, weeks later, I finally got the okay: evidently my past is uncheckered enough for them to let me in the door. I meet my “little” (as they’re known in the Big Bro biz) Thursday. Woo hoo: one more young life to scar!

3 thoughts on “big brothers”

  1. So did you have any input into which “little” you get to work with? Like do you get to pick if it’s a little sister or a little brother? Do you get to pick how old they are? Or maybe just ones that are fans of The Strokes?

  2. no input (although the big-little relationships are only single-sex, boys with men, girls with women). in this program, all of the littles are ninth-graders, but most of them are at-risk in various ways, so most have failed a few times and are above age (16, 17). mine seems like a cool guy from the description — we’ll see thursday.

  3. yeah…I had the same question as Matt . . .
    Damn! First I find out you have to have kids to get an 18 year old French exchange-student from SMU work as your nanny, and NOW I find out I can’t sign up to be a “big brother” to a “little sister.”

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