mlk day

Feeling existential and angsty today, for no apparent reason.
Of course, if should be a glorious day, since it’s a day off. Much better than my last place of employment, where our MLK holiday was exactly one half-hour long. Seriously: they told us all to take a 90-minute lunch instead of an hour.
After all, isn’t Dr. King’s greatest legacy a less-rushed return trip from your restaurant of choice?

6 thoughts on “mlk day”

  1. consider yourself lucky…i’ve never had MLK day off or known anybody to actually receive that day off…until now of course.

  2. yeah, it’s great — normally newspapers are one of the worst industries for holidays, because after all the paper keeps coming out no matter what day it is. but at the dmn we get all sorts of great days off — good friday (!), the friday after thanksgiving, mlk day…

  3. actually, that’s not too far from the truth. (but then again, that’s not too different from the edition papers put out every monday.)

  4. You got the day off? Slackers. Ryan and I celebrated our half hour off with ceremonial milk shakes at the Coney Island dive near work.

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