sick, election preview, french kicks, dplan tix

Argh. Sickness has descended upon me — and not the full-blown sickness that would get me out of work: the sinus-dripping, woozy-headed, headachy, general crappiness kind of sick. (I also sound like I’m doing a Tom Waits impression anytime I open my mouth.) I went to bed last night at 8 p.m. and got up at 9:30 this morning. A variety of other things, including word of a couple friends’ suddenly failed relationships, have put me in a fairly sour mood.
Anyway, tomorrow’s election day here in Dallas, and if you stay tuned to, I’ll be writing the main stories on the mayor’s race and the bond election all night. Assuming I haven’t coughed both lungs up on my keyboard by then.
Four bonus MP3s from up-and-coming NYC band the French Kicks (who sound at times like carbon copies of Jonathan Fire*Eater, a lamented NYC band that self-destructed after one CD not long ago — lots of VU/Stones influence): Young Lawyer (great track, that), The 88, White, So Many Cakes.
Finally, if you like that newfangled rock music and plan to attend the Dismemberment Plan/Death Cab For Cutie global happening at the Ridglea in Fort Worth March 5, tickets are on sale online now at $11.50 a pop. Worth every penny, I assure you. I know several blog-types are going; it might even qualify as a microevent.