lewis and clark vs. lois and clark

Actual conversation a few minutes ago, at the checkout counter of the convenience store within the Main Media Center in Salt Lake City:
Smiley checkout lady: Have you seen our new dollar coins?
Stunningly beautiful Italian media woman: No. Who is that woman on them?
Smiley checkout lady: That’s Sacagawea. Do you know who she is? She led the Indians to America.
Second, less smiley checkout lady: Are you sure?
Smiley checkout lady: Yeah, I think she led them to America. From America? To America? Something like that.
Me: [smarty pants] Actually, I think she led Lewis and Clark across America.
Stunningly beautiful Italian media woman: [stunned] She led Superman across America?!?
Me: [pause] [realization] No, Lewis and Clark. They were explorers in the American West.
Stunningly beautiful Italian media woman: [uninterested] Oh. Okay.
Smiley checkout lady: Are you sure? I think she led the Indians to America.
Second, less smiley checkout lady: Honey, the Indians have always been here. Nobody had to lead them here.
Smiley checkout lady: Hmm. Learn something new every day.

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