pin trading story

Today’s story: Pin trading reaches fever pitch. I’d promised myself I wouldn’t stoop to writing another damned story about damned Olympic pins, but I couldn’t help it. I think it turned out okay, although the desk did cut out my favorite line in the whole piece: “She’s been trading pins since the Los Angeles Games in 1984, which she considers the fever’s ‘absolute peak’ — kind of like 1873 was a bad year for typhoid.”

3 thoughts on “pin trading story”

  1. Sadly, yes. There’s no accounting for taste, I suppose.
    I’ve been trying to get typhoid references into the paper for the last 18 months, and they cut it every time. Go figure.

  2. maybe the dmw has some kind of typhoid-phobia.
    and good article. i read it at the car place whilst waiting today. kept me entertained.

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