3 thoughts on “rodeo experience”

  1. Grrrr. I had to deal with rodeo people for years giving me shit because I rode dressage as well as ran barrels and take it from me, dressage is harder. Much harder. Now only knowing the difference between an extended trot and collected canter, but being able to get your horse to do it without letting the judges see you move is deifnitely Olympic worthy.
    However…you want a rough and tough equestrian sport? Check out cross country sometimes. I’d love to see your typical calf roper jump a horse over a six foot log fence.

  2. I never said it wasn’t difficult or less than Olympic. I just said it’s boring as all hell, and I’ll stand by that.

  3. Hehe. I’m sensitive…too many years of “you do that sissy english riding?”
    And I suppose I can see how it could be boring. However, there’s a big dressage show coming up in DFW soon and I *think* that they’re doing musical freestyle. That’s the more user-friendly part of the dressage world. It’s like the difference between ballet and a musical, I think.

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