
Displeasure, animosity, anger, wrath, ire, indignation, exasperation, vexation, bitter resentment, wrathful indignation.

12 thoughts on “grrrr.”

  1. Holy crap. And I thought covering two school board meetings in one night sucks. What gives?

  2. What is wrathful indigation, as opposed to plain old wrath combined with indigation? Sounds a bit scarier, with just a hint of violent intent.

  3. I was curious about the wrath + indignation = wrathful indignation issue too. But Roget’s seemed insistent I include both variations.
    All is fine, really. Just a little rage at the incompetence of others, that’s all. Back to your regular programming.

  4. Is sorry going to heal the scars, Jeremy? Is sorry going to fix the broken water main? Is sorry going to pay for Aunt Jenny’s bail? Most importantly, Jeremy, is sorry going to bring little Timmy back to life?

  5. I like this list better: pique, umbrage, huff, miff, soreness, dudgeon, acerbity, virulence, bitterness, acrimony, asperity, spleen, gall; heart-burning, heart-swelling; rankling.

  6. My former fellow rewrite clerks are too nice to indulge me in my constant requests for newsroom gossip, so I turn to you: who’s being incompetent?

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