msn link of the day!

Greetings to the thousands of you suddenly checking out my humble weblog, all because of MSN’s misguided decision to make the CD Mix of the Month club its “Daily Diversion.” Of course, I now fully expect the RIAA to come shut me down.
For lost newcomers, you’re reading the web site of a 26-year-old Dallas newspaper reporter. Marginally more information is available on the “about” page, and feel free to meander through the archives.

2 thoughts on “msn link of the day!”

  1. Ummm, Hi RIAA guys, I know that my name is on the list of participants, but Josh just put it there as a favour to me…I never actually sent him anythi….hey wait, I’m in Canada. Never mind.
    If convicted pot smokers and draft dodgers can hide up here with impunity, so can I.

  2. Dang, I know I just signed up this month, but because I made it before the MSN hordes, can I stay? At least until the music police come knocking on my door or should I just move to Canada now?

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