edgar at sunset, new digital camera

Just got back from a local high school. In two places, the smell of pot was overpowering. It was like the dorm room across from mine freshman year. Not exactly conducive to education, I imagine.
I was there to meet with my Little Brother, who continues to not do so well. A suspension, referrals to the principal’s office, falling in sleep in class, not doing his work — I don’t have the highest of hopes that he’ll be a sophomore at this time next year.
In less depressing news, I figured my prize money for the Headliners should be spent on something less than critical, so as soon as UPS works its magic, I should be the proud owner of a Canon PowerShot A40. Who knows, this may be just what I need to expand my interest in angry weasel photos.

One thought on “edgar at sunset, new digital camera”

  1. if you are anything like me, you will proceed to take pictures of everything that sits still long enough for 2 weeks, and then subside into normal camera use.
    Of course, I proceeded to take almost 250 pictures in Ireland, so maybe I haven’t quite gotten over it yet.

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