date with laura, weekend in wisconsin

For the three of you interested, the Josh Update since Thursday: Spent Thursday night with Laura out at the DMA, getting a sneak peak at the new Thomas Struth retrospective and listening to those wacky boys in the Observer-approved Chomsky. (That would be the Dallas Observer, not the New York Observer.)
Then Friday morning, it was off to Cecil, Wisconsin, for the mumble-mumble birthday of Kelly. (On the legendary Cheese Factory Road no less!) It was good to see some of the old Toledo crew and to revel in the smell of cow manure on Kelly’s family’s dairy farm. Plus, beer’s cheaper there than in Dallas. The only real drawback was the thick blanket of cigarette smoke in every Wisconsin home and bar, which left me unable to breathe for big chunks of the weekend. But hey, breathing’s optional, right?
Larry King-style dot-dot-dots: Oliver North was in line behind me at DFW, followed by a crowd of middle-aged Rush-listening middle managers who apparently believe selling arms to Iranian militants to fund the overthrow of a legitimate government is downright patriotic!… I was accused of being an industrial spy in a cheese-novelty shop… Kelly’s family owns a cow named Satan…

One thought on “date with laura, weekend in wisconsin”

  1. Unfortunately, I could not attend the smokefest at the Wisconsin bars, but I have just viewed photographs of Mr. Benton and crew. Some of them are quite amusing, especially one where Josh appears to be getting some sort of medical exam.

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