heather havrilesky’s blog, suck memories, dahlia lithwick, off to reunion

Hey, you! You, in the corner with the keyboard! Why didn’t you tell me Heather Havrilesky has a blog? (You may know her better as Polly Esther at the late and truly lamented Suck.)
As time passes, people may forget what a stroke of genius Suck was. (Well, not all of Suck. But it had a higher batting average than most mags, and if you stripped away the hipster social crit, there was a real, beating heart of intelligence behind it all.)
And this is probably deeply retrograde, but her writing always gave me the impression that she’s the sexiest creature on earth. (Well, her and Dahlia Lithwick.) There’s just something about overeducated, lovably cynical female webzine writers that just gets my motor running. Rowr.
I leave for my college reunion tomorrow morning, so the posting stream may slow to a trickle through the weekend. You’re always my top priority, Dear Reader, but this weekend you fall to third behind Wooster Square cannolis and everyone’s favorite party game, Let’s See Who Got Fat.

One thought on “heather havrilesky’s blog, suck memories, dahlia lithwick, off to reunion”

  1. Dahlia Lithwick is the goddess of legal critique. I discovered her Slate column during the 2000 election debacle, and I’ve hung on her every word since. In my book, she definitely wins the award for best use of a law degree. Thanks for pointing out Polly Esther’s blog; I’ve missed Suck.

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