brainstorming for texas living

It’s time again for I’m meeting with the Texas Living staff tomorrow to discuss how to get more young readers interested in the section.
Among the questions we’re looking for answers to: What sorts of stories do young people want to read? What’s appealing about the section now? What sorts of topics and themes are young readers interested in? Any syndicated columns or features that would be good additions? Any good ways to get young voices in the paper?
I’d love to hear any ideas you guys have. (FYI, when they say young people, they pretty much mean 16-25 or so. I guess I’m not a young person any more. Sigh. By the way, I calculated on the drive back to Dallas last night that, as of Saturday, my 20s are now two-thirds over. Prepare the hearse.)

3 thoughts on “brainstorming for texas living”

  1. I am NOT a young person anymore (alas!), but I definately think there should be more stories by people named Katie. And perhaps also Josh. (But I think perhaps not poems by Josh.) 😉

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