lisa shafer’s dad and connie chung

Just because I have to embarrass my friend Lisa, I feel obligated to report her dad will apparently be on Good Morning America and the Connie Chung show tomorrow. Click the link to see why.
By the way, has anyone seen that Connie Chung show? Watched it once last weekend in Rayne — that may be the worst hour of television in history. Painful to watch. I’ve always been a Chung hater, but geez, it almost seems cruel to put her out there every night. Ed Bark, as usual, has it right.

6 thoughts on “lisa shafer’s dad and connie chung”

  1. Pray for my poor little-town dad as Connie and a rep. from some “big people’s” group take him on tonight (thursday) on CNN. And I thought the woman from ohio who sued wendy’s for the exploding chicken sandwich was crazed. In his defense …. my dad isn’t looking for the money … just a ticket refund, I swear!

  2. Having once sat next to a 350-pound Jehovah’s Witness (who kept trying to give me tracts) on what was without a doubt the worst flight of my entire life … I can sympathize.

  3. When is police brutality a good thing?
    When it bumps you father off the Connie Chung show … at least for tonight. Whew!

  4. I’m a little overweight, I’m also a caregiver, and still I have to agree with Lisa’s dad. If you’re going to take up the space of two seats, you should pay for those two seats or find some other means of going. Yes, I know some people actually have a thyroid problem, but a lot of large people could control their weight with self control and willpower.
    If one chooses to let her/himself become obese, fine. But one should recognize the fact that s/he does take up more space, and space is what we pay for on an airplane, is it not?

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