pt anderson, punch-drunk love, philip baker hall

Seeing The Road to Perdition last night with Erica, we saw the trailer for Punch-Drunk Love. That’s the new Adam Sandler movie from Paul Thomas Anderson, young wunderkind of Boogie Nights and Magnolia fame. While I started boycotting Adam Sandler movies a long time ago (first for Cajun Man, then for The Waterboy, two major affronts to my people), I’ll make an exception for what looks like an interesting film.
Paul Thomas Anderson trivia: In the 1960s, his father Ernie Anderson used to host the late movie on Channel 13 in Toledo, dressed up in a fright wig and calling himself Ghoulardi. P.T. calls his production company Ghoulardi Films in his honor. (Ernie Anderson was later the announcer on America’s Funniest Home Videos.)
And to keep the Toledo connection going, P.T. keeps hiring Philip Baker Hall, Toledo’s finest actor, in all his movies. He was the star of Anderson’s first movie, Hard Eight, had a small part in Boogie Nights (memorable quote: “I like simple pleasures, like butter in my ass, lollipops in my mouth. That’s just me. That’s just something that I enjoy”), and was the game show host in Magnolia. He’s the classic “Hey! It’s that guy!” actor. (Of course, most people know him only as Lt. Bookman on Seinfeld.)
Apologies to Jamie Farr for naming Philip Baker Hall as Toledo’s finest actor. The truth hurts sometimes, Jamie.

One thought on “pt anderson, punch-drunk love, philip baker hall”

  1. In the scene that PBH utters that line (“I like simple pleasures, like butter in my ass, lollipops in my mouth”) pay close attention to Robert Ridgely in the background. He’s cracking up. It just makes that scene all the better.

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