reason dot com

Whether you’re a libertarian or a unreformed Trotskyite, there’s now an excellent reason to be reading, the web site of libertarian micromag Reason. The web site is now being run by Tim Cavanaugh, genius ex-editor of genius ex-web site
Cavanaugh’s brought along some of his fellow ex-Sucksters, many of them certainly desparate for freelance work: Joey Anuff, Chris Bray, Ana Marie Cox, etc. Cavanaugh sums up the Suck philosophy as “a rallying call that says, ‘This is the end of rallying calls.'” Well put.
The web site’s something of a contrast to the magazine, which can be a bit dry. (I used to subscribe, probably 10-12 years ago.) Not dry in a bad way, really — just dry in the same way The New Republic, National Review, and other wonk mags are dry. They’re all about Social Security reform, for heaven’s sake! Just try to make that sexy!
(Note: Dallas blogger Virginia Postrel is Reason’s former editor.)

2 thoughts on “reason dot com”

  1. Reason redesigned their (print) mag about a year ago, and it’s been much more readable since. You may want to give it another try. (no-obligation first issue if you subscribe)
    Or, I’d be happy to give you some of my older issues from a month or two back.

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