20×2 question

Okay, it’s audience participation time at crabwalk.com. I’d really like everyone to answer the following question in the comments.
What was the last thing you remember waiting for? Answers can be as practical or spacy as you’d like. Merci beaucoup.

24 thoughts on “20×2 question”

  1. My CDMoM CD’s, of course — HA! … also in my Wait List at the same time, was an order from Amazon.com: Two Javascript books, The Hobbit, and a CD: “Fanny Live”.

  2. Well, this is really banal, but I remember waiting for my computer to boot up just now. The faster these computers get, the slower they boot up it seems. My VIC-20 from fifteen years ago came on with the click of a switch.
    I think the longest wait I’ve ever experienced was the nine months it took for each of my daughters to gestate, and then finally be born.
    Sometimes waiting, the anticipation of something, is better than the actual event. I witnessed the first space shuttle landing when I was twelve years old. They used to land the shuttle out at Edwards AFB, which is on a dry lake bed in the mojave desert. We drove out there the night before with my cousins in their RV. Since we arrived in the middle of the night, it was difficult to see where we were. I was quite unprepared for what I saw when woke up the next morning. The dry lake bed is a totally alien landscape. It’s perfectly flat for as far as the eye can see, and it’s completely devoid of all plantlife. As I stepped out of the RV, I distinctly remember feeling like Neil Armstrong stepping off of the Apollo lander and onto the moon. Except there was this carnival atmosphere going on, with thousands of people, all waiting for a real spaceship to land. Everyone had radios going and tuned to the same station. As you walked around you were enveloped in the sound of the broadcast. The announcer said that the shuttle had begun to reenter the atmosphere, and was over San Francisco, 600 miles away. Everyone was staring into the clear blue sky. Since this was the first landing, nobody knew what to expect, so when the sonic boom hit, it was an incredible shock. It was loud, but you felt it as much as you heard it. The crowd erupted in celebration. Anticipation was at it’s peak. Then finally someone spotted a tiny black dot impossibly high in the sky. The dot circled overhead, and grew larger as it descended, but as it did, it began to look more and more like a normal aircraft landing at an airport. The anticipation was over. The shuttle landed, we climbed into the RV, and started our journey home. The waiting wasn’t over though. There was a huge traffic jam caused by all the people trying to leave at the same time. It took about three hours just to get off the lake.

  3. I wait for the mailman to come every day – I don’t have a job at the moment, so it’s the sad, but real, highlight of the day sometimes.
    On a grander scale, I’m waiting to find a job (see above paragraph) – I left a really good job in Austin to move here, and am now waiting for something just as good to turn up.
    I also waited hours yesterday for the sourdough starter I’m making to ripen.

  4. I’m waiting to hear from a student about whether we can photograph him in school. zzzzzzzzzzz

  5. Just last night I was waiting for the plane I was sitting in (La Guardia to DFW) to take off. We sat at the gate for about 30 minutes which meant a late departure. I’m still not sure what we were waiting for.

  6. I just got to the office after waiting 20 minutes for the cop who pulled me over to decide whether to haul my expired-tag-havin’ ass to jail or give me a citation. That was a hard wait. I suppose people aren’t usually arrested for such mundane offenses, but I have bad luck and a well-developed sense of prison paranoia. Excruciating. (I got the ticket–just a warning, too, oh happy day!–not the squad car.)
    Prior to that, the last thing I remember waiting for was inspiration. Still waiting.

  7. I waited for an eternity for those darn CDMoM CD’s! I would go check my little metal mailbox slot in the apartment complex where I live…to no avail. It was all I could do not to check it even after the mail came…as if the mailman accidently forgot my CD’s and came back to drop them off.
    I’m also waiting to get married in May.

  8. i’ve been waiting for my “real” life to start for five years now. Oh, and I’m waiting for Guffman.

  9. im waiting for my friend billy to make his pick in our fantasy baseball draft. should he take pedro or barry zito? the only players chosen so far are randy j, a-rod, shilling and bonds…..choices , choices,…..
    he has a good excuse for taking so long though, he just became a dad! way to go mr stout!

  10. I am waiting to move. March 18th is the day. I am already 95% packed.
    I am also waiting for my ultrasound on March 17th to find out which kind of baby I will get. I am not telling anyone though, lest they purchase tiny frilly, pinky pastel dresses for the new tranny in the family.

  11. Still waiting for someone to offer me a job, I lose my job at the end of the month…..
    That apart, I fell asleep getting the train home on Friday night after some beers after work. Woke up at 1am 30 miles past my stop and had to wait for a taxi to take me home – ouch!!

  12. … for a prospective employer to e-mail me about whether she wants to interview me or not.

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