fametracker on cable teen girls

Fametracker on teen cable starlets getting their own movies:
When we were kids, no one paid attention to cable shows because there was no cable. When we were kids, there were only three TV channels that mattered — ABC, NBC, and CBS — and only about eight TV stars in total. And TV only came on for two hours a day, from 10 AM to noon, and then it went off again and we all went back to tilling the fields.
And in our day, all the children on TV shows were played by adults, and the only “child”-star was Plug Whompers, the rascally urchin from the hit show The Ruinous Plow. And he was played by a forty-three-year-old actor named Scollard “Five Fingers” McCaffrey, who caused a national scandal when he married a horse, and who later drank himself to death.