fop sux

There’s a Yahoo group I’ve belonged to for about four years now. I’m subscribed because its subject is something I occasionally write about — a subject that gets roughly zero coverage elsewhere on the Internet or in the media, and as a result the posts are essential reading if I want to stay on top of the subject.
There’s one problem: I hate every last person in this Yahoo group.
Okay, I’m sure some of them are perfectly nice people in real life. But there’s something about this group that reduces everyone to mewling five-year-olds. It’s just a horrible virtual place. Every post is an accusation breaded with nastiness. The subject in question is something about which all these people are extremely passionate, and it’s painful to wade through their misplaced rage, their stupid vitriol, their silly spite.
Unfortunately, I feel obliged to. I’m one of maybe 10 journalists in the world who follow this subject, and I have to keep up. But heavens, is it painful!
Doubly unfortunately, these people have become extremely prolific in their imbecility of late, which is why I’ve got 2 megs (that’s just raw text) of posts sitting in my inbox from just the last few days. So I sit, alcoholic beverage in hand, and sift through the garbage.
I think I need another drink.

4 thoughts on “fop sux”

  1. I am a member of a few yahoo groups and started two of my own, and it never ceases to amaze me what people will post on them. I almost got into a knock-down drag-out fight with one woman, long distance, on one of the groups to which I belong. Not good since her husband is a member of my husband’s company in the Army and she was convinced that our fight would get her husband in trouble (since my husband is his boss). It didn’t. They usually don’t court martial people just because their wives are annoying.

  2. I think I need another drink.
    May I recommend …

    The Riding Lesson Cocktail
    1-3/4 ounces Bourbon or rye whiskey
    1/2 ounce sweet vermouth
    1/4 ounce B

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