mazie turns 72

Happy 72nd birthday to my grandmother. Longtime readers may remember her from the Mazie Project 2002, in which I tried to get as many people as possible to send her birthday cards for her 70th.
For her birthday, she asked for a DustBuster. Her wish is my command.

4 thoughts on “mazie turns 72”

  1. Happy Happy to Miz Mazie, and may she bust dust for many more hypoallergenic years. Has her health improved since MP2K?

  2. Hey, long time no chat, Miz LisLei. 🙂
    I can’t say her health has really improved — she’s on oxygen full-time and not particularly mobile. But she still manages to live alone, and she can still get around with a walker. Honestly, we thought we didn’t have more than a few months left a couple years ago, so the fact she’s pretty much unchanged is a blessing.

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