louisville trip

Last call for Louisville tourist advice. I’m flying out there tomorrow night and get back Sunday evening.

6 thoughts on “louisville trip”

  1. Sadly I don’t live in Louisville anymore but if you let me know what kind of things you’re interested in doing I can give you some advice. Good place for a cheap drink, good dinner, etc.

  2. Eh, probably just looking for evening activities — briefly Friday night, probably more so Saturday night.

  3. I checked the Louisville events guide put on by the local cable operator and the only thing going on is a blood drive.

  4. Interesting place for dinner (and even better for breakfast or brunch): Lynn’s Paradise Cafe, Barret Avenue
    Excellent Pub with great food: The Irish Rover on Frankfort Avenue
    Great Dive Bar for Cheap Drinks: The Left Field Lounge on Bardstown Road
    Waterfront Park has a really great view of the Ohio River and is a nice place to just walk and unwind.

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