crabwalk: stupid, racist, classist

Voice mail message of the day (so far): “You are not only stupid, you are racist and you are classist…Call me back, unless you’re too stupid to find the dial on the telephone.”
She was just as charming when we talked later.

5 thoughts on “crabwalk: stupid, racist, classist”

  1. Don’t worry about it, as she will soon be devoured by a giant squid. That is, if she doesn’t drown when their sheer volume causes the water levels to shoot up.

  2. Trust me, folks, we reporters develop a thick skin early on in our careers. If I broke down in tears every time someone called me (pick one: racist, stupid, ignorant, evil, etc.), I’d have run out of tear ducts a long time ago.

  3. I don’t have any good voice mail stories, but I did get an e-mail last month that read, simply,”Your name is wrong.” Hmmm.

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