david frum on arafat

Hey, kids! A world leader, hated by many, is dying! If you’re a “journalist” with the ethics of a lawn gnome, what should you do?
I know! Why don’t you spread baseless, malicious rumors that the world leader actually is just one of them gays who has AIDS! Because you know if a 75-year-old man is dropping body weight and having mental problems, it must be AIDS! Certainly couldn’t be anything else — most 75-year-old men are running marathons, except for those damned poofter Palestinians with their low T-cell counts!
Of course, there’s precisely zero evidence for this. (Even if David Frum does trot out a 15-year-old memoir from the ex-head of the Romanian gestapo — because you know Ceaucescu’s right-hand men were all completely trustworthy! Highlights from the top two Amazon reviews: “Pathetically sensationalist and self-serving!” “Ridiculous…this book is utterly unbelievable and unconvincing!”)
The main way Frum can tell Arafat has AIDS? He’s being treated in France. Say no more! Wink wink, nudge nudge!
But the absolute piece de resistance is that, despite there being no evidence whatsoever for his idiotic claims, Frum manages to imply Big Media is purposefully holding this AIDS scoop. Presumably because they’re a bunch of Arafat-suck-up liberals.

2 thoughts on “david frum on arafat”

  1. It is unreal. Just so fucked. And though he is (rightly)hated by many, I feel the whole poweder keg is gonna blow if he dies with no confirmed cause of death. Sharon should die too. Then at least there would be a clean slate. Maybe TWO homos could battle it out then.

  2. Let’s pretend for a moment that he does have AIDS. That doesn’t mean that he’s ever been involved in acts of homosexuality. It would be ignorant to jump to that conclusion. Straight men and women die from AIDS too.

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