election predictions, retroactive

Well, that’s the last time I try to predict an election. I really thought Michael Badnarik would pull it out. Okay, I didn’t, but a Badnarik landslide ended up being roughly as accurate as my own projection.
Here are some of my past predictions in key races:
– 1864 presidential race: I predicted the nation, in a time of war and great conflict, would reach back into its history and draft the one leader who could bind the nation’s wounds: Franklin Pierce, the New Hampshire legend. Only Franklin Pierce, I predicted America would feel, could unite us, not divide us: Reality: Lincoln reelected.
– 1967 NFL season: I predicted the New Orleans Saints, in their first season as an expansion team, would get high on crawfish etouffee and win the inaugural Super Bowl. Reality: The Green Bay Packers win.
– 1985 Oscar race: I predicted Chip McAllister‘s bravura performance as the black guy in the epic Weekend Pass would be enough to snag the Best Supporting Actor prize. Reality: That fucker Don Ameche.
– 2004 presidential race: I predicted Michael Badnarik to sweep through the South, find strength in the industrial Midwest, and do well enough in Hawaii to fuel a stunning electoral college victory. Reality: Optimus Prime wins, vows to end the Decepticon threat.
(Aside: When trying to pick a random ’80s actor for the Oscar item, I had no idea Chip McAllister somehow went on to win The Amazing Race 5, for which I understand he won the Best Screenplay (Adapted) Oscar.)