haidl haidl haidl

Man, with all the Orange County blogging I’ve been doing lately, I should start watching The O.C. or something.
Remember the Greg Haidl case, the O.C. teen rapist of unconscious underaged girls who has thus far gotten off, thanks to his lawyer’s campaign of turning a near-coma rape victim into a wannabe porn-star “slut”? (Search the archives for “haidl” to find past entries.) Well, the OC Weekly has been doing its usual Menckenesque work fighting the good fight. Find all its recent Haidl stories here. Among the highlights:
Skeezy (and self-proclaimed “World Famous”) lawyer tries to scam rape victim, says his own past habits of molesting underaged girls (while a prosecutor!) is besides the point.
The shrink who said Haidl was so “depressed” he shouldn’t be jailed for causing an accident while underaged drunk driving has himself been accused of screwing his suicidal patients (and paying for them to have boob jobs), trying to hire a hit man to kill his wife, and prescribing narcotics to his drug-addicted business partner.
Haidl getting tasered for throwing a tantrum when jail officials tried to stop him from giving candy to a child rapist.
The weekly also, wisely, named Haidl’s chief attorney — Joseph “Slut! Nut! Pathological liar! Wannabe porn star! Tease! Mess! Master manipulator! Compulsive liar!” Cavallo — O.C.’s Scariest Person 2004.