random links

The Haidl retrial — its precursor was much covered here at crabwalk, try “haidl” in the search box for details — has started. And, fittingly, idiot pro-rape lawyer Joe Cavallo is already in trouble for misbehaving.
Woman fakes existence of child, collects five years of child support before kidnapping someone else’s kid (with promises of Santa!) and saying she’s hers.
Stereotypes come to life: “Jerry Don Hartless was engaged in a heated argument about an episode of the Jerry Springer television program moments before he reached into his overalls, pulled a gun and shot Billy Bob Wallace under the Angelina River Bridge on FM 343, according to testimony heard Tuesday in the 145th District Court.” With a special guest appearance by “Wallace’s son, Wild Bill Wallace (his given name).”
Out of work, frau? Have you considered prostitution?
“Two boys, ages 9 and 10, were charged with felonies and taken away from school in handcuffs, accused of making violent drawings of stick figures.”
Best headwear ever. (Okay, so maybe it’s just a conveniently placed background. I still want it.)

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