i’m in reason

Self-promotion alert: I’m in the cover story of the June issue of Reason, everyone’s favorite libertarian mag.
Well, sort of. See, the cover story (“How Schools Cheat: From fake test scores to bogus graduation rates and more, educrats are lying to parents”) touches on my cheating stories from the last year, at one point talking about “a December 31, 2004, expose by The Dallas Morning News.”
No idea if the story will ever be put online.

3 thoughts on “i’m in reason”

  1. Aha! I got that issue in my mailbox and, after looking at the cover, thought to myself, “Hey, I wonder if Josh is mentioned in here.”
    And, they regularly put all their issues online, though not while an issue is still on newsstands.

  2. Reason will tell you they are in no way affiliated with the Libertarian Party, rather their staff represents a spectrum of political affilications, yeah right.

  3. Oh, I’m sure they’re not affiliated with the Lib Party — just as The New Republic isn’t affiliated with the Dems and National Review isn’t affiliated with the G.O.P. They’re just spiritual brothers.

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