sex survey for kids

Two things about this sex survey a local Christian school wanted to distribute to its students:
– Has the term “heavy petting” ever been used in any context other than sex-ed classes? Has any teenager asked another: “What’d you do this weekend?” “Oh, man, me and Suzie, we pet. We heavily pet.”
– One of these things is not like the others: “Have you ever read or viewed sexually explicit material? Ex: sex chat room, novels, magazines (Penthouse, Playboy, Cosmo)”

2 thoughts on “sex survey for kids”

  1. What’s the baseball equivalent of “heavy petting”? Like, third base? In between second and third? I want to make sure I’m accurate in my usage.

  2. I’d say more like third base. I think second base is reserved for similarly-unused-by-real-people “necking.”

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