computers plus music equals art

Paul Slocum — self-described “geek artist/musician/hacker” — is the man behind Tree Wave, the closest thing to a music phenom Dallas has produced post-Spree. They make skittish electronic noise-pop out of obsolete computers, including an Atari 2600 and a Commodore 64.
Now he’s started printf(), “a recently formed organization whose goal is to bring electronic musicians and new media artists to perform, exhibit, and lecture in Dallas, Texas. We feel that in a time when our lives are affected dramatically by computers and digital networks, Dallas arts do not adequetely reflect that fact. Initially our focus will be on musicians whose performances are as much about music as they are about video, performance, or process.”
printf()’s first show is May 19, with performances by Tree Wave and DAT Politics, a bunch of Frenchies. Unspeakably awesome video of theirs here.
In case you had any doubts about Paul’s geek cred — if his use of an old programming command in his group’s name and his musical repurposing of dot-matrix technology wasn’t enough — he even javascript-encodes his mailto tags.

3 thoughts on “computers plus music equals art”

  1. haven’t heard much, to be honest. from what little i think i know of them, i’m not inclined to go crazy for them, but like i said, i don’t know them.

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