the end of arrested development

What are you doing on Friday, February 10?
You won’t be watching the stupid Olympics opening ceremony from stupid Torino in stupid Italy. (Speaking of which: Since when did good ol’ Turin become Torino? If the games were a few hundred miles southeast, would we say it was taking place in Roma, not Rome? Were the last games in Athina instead of Athens? Who do these foreigners think they are, determining their own names for their cities? And do we have to rename the Shroud now?)
You will be sitting in front of a TV, tuned in to your local Fox affiliate, watching the final four episodes of Arrested Development, the best show on television.
When the two glorious hours are complete, you will go to your computer, fire up your email program of choice, and email me: “Dear Josh, Thank you very much for allowing me to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Arrested Development. All the best, [your name here].”

3 thoughts on “the end of arrested development”

  1. Another stunning example of how Fox sets AD up for failure. Putting it against opening ceremonies? Please. I don’t think I’m the only person that drops everything around Olympics-time to watch opening ceremonies and dream about the teenage gymnastics/figure skating phenom I’ll never be.
    Why doesn’t Fox just let go of AD so another station can pick it up and give it the advertising and marketing it deserves? Letting it limp along under constant threats of cancellation is just silly. Bastards!
    On a related note, thanks for the tip back in December that the season I and II DVD’s were 1/2 price at Amazon. Have watched them on many a study break.
    Hope you’re well,

  2. There needs to be some sort of mourning ceremony that night so AD fans can grieve together. Hmmm, I see a party theme…

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