dangerdoom, madlib, stones throw

Since there was no MP3 Monday this week, I humbly offer you a new track from the great Dangerdoom: a version of “Space Hos” remixed by crabwalk.com favorite Madlib. Please look past the not-particularly-feminist use of “hos” and groove to the bizarre Judy-Jetson-inspired lyrics and the great bouncy flute that sounds straight outta Saturday-morning television circa 1978.
The rest of the Dangerdoom remix EP is available online, but it’s nothing special — the beats are flat and spare, not the funhouse vibe of the original album.
Speaking of Madlib, here’s a pretty good article on him and the rest of the Stones Throw empire, which provides roughly 20 percent of my total music listening these days. Also, a good-looking Stones Throw compilation hits stores in a couple weeks.