mcdonalds breakfast

No Wilmer-Hutchins story in today’s paper. To commemorate this unusual event, I share a tale of fast food.
Three times in the last month or so, I’ve worked late and skipped dinner. Each time, I’ve woken up the next morning hungry and in a rush. So, against the medical advice of generations of physicians, I’ve stopped at a McDonald’s downtown.
Three times I have stopped at this McDonald’s for a quickie breakfast. Three times they have screwed up my order.
My order is not complex. Each time I have requested a bacon, egg and cheese bagel and a water. Nothing outrageous there; it’s on the frickin’ menu. For my three attempts, I have received:
– A bagel with a slice of cheese on it, an unordered hash brown, and water.
– A plain bagel, a single slice of bacon loose in the bag, and water.
– (Today) A bagel with roughly one quarter pound of bacon and an unexplained cup of coffee.
Is there a global egg shortage I’m unaware of? I was under the impression that the ingredients list of my order was fairly direct: a bacon, egg and cheese bagel consists of bacon, eggs, cheese, and a bagel.
I keep waiting for new variations. Perhaps next time the bag will include an egg, but it will be soft boiled. Or instead of cheese, I’ll get some old milk in a leather pouch, along with instructions on the curd-making process. Or maybe they’ll just hand me an ovulating chicken. Perhaps the bagel will be magically transformed into a donut. Or a rubber tire. Or a baby marmoset.

wilmer shredding

More Wilmer-Hutchins, today’s front page: “An administrative assistant to Wilmer-Hutchins’ maintenance director said Tuesday that she watched her boss destroy a stack of purchase orders that he asked her to assemble. She said he was acting on direct orders from Superintendent Charles Matthews. The district’s police chief confirmed that he found a stack of torn-up purchase orders in a trash bin behind the district’s maintenance building last Wednesday.”
Also, this sidebar, on the district’s attempts to shore up its image before next week’s election.

chanda, rhodes scholars, popeye jones

A rare three-pronged sports update:
– Alas, Chanda’s aged wiles proved too little to take down the mighty Venus. But she put up a good fight, losing 7-6 (7-4), 6-3. In the first set, Chanda broke three set points. I’m telling you: give her two functioning knees and she can still compete.
– Did you know you have to be a jock to be a Rhodes Scholar? I knew the Rhodes used to have a reputation for having a preference for athletes (e.g., Whizzer White), but I never realized it was one of the four stated requirements. (“[E]nergy to use one

james belt story

YAWHS. I’ll let the opening speak for itself: “The Wilmer-Hutchins school district’s chief attorney was suspended by the State Bar of Texas last year, and at least once during the suspension he used the state bar identification number of a lawyer who has been dead for 20 years.”


YAWHS (Yet Another Wilmer-Hutchins Story) today, on a letter a top district employee wrote asking Wilmer-Hutchins’ police chief to lay off an investigation into the district’s problems. That top district employee is also a Dallas school board member.