Actually, let’s see how I did in predicting the Pulitzers this year, based on the early leaked list of finalists. I actually did pretty well — those of you betting on Pulitzers in Vegas would do well to heed my advice. First, the correct guesses:
- Commentary: Nick Kristof. Correct!
- Investigative: WaPo for Abramoff. Correct!
- National: My prediction: “NYT for wiretapping, although San Diego could sneak in.” Correct! (It was a tie between the NYT and San Diego.)
- Breaking News: Times-Picayune. Correct!
- Breaking News Photo: DMN. Correct!
Two I got wrong:
- International: LAT for Muslims in Europe. Wrong — NYT wins.
- Explanatory: Miami Herald. Wrong — WaPo wins.
And I’ll give myself half credit for Public Service. The leaked list had WaPo, Toledo, and Biloxi as finalists. I thought it was strange that the T-P wasn’t there and guessed: ” WaPo (secret prisons), although the Times-Picayune should be a finalist here.” Turns out the Pulitzer board overruled judges, made the T-P a finalist after all, then gave the prize to both it and Biloxi.
So, 5-2-1. Not a bad record.