layoffs at kera

For Dallasites: KERA cuts 25 percent of staff. Most prominent among the laid off is Krys Villasenor, host of the (often vapid) evening talk show, Conversations. (Kremlinologists will notice her photo already been removed from its spot on the radio station’s web page alongside Glenn Mitchell’s, mere hours after the putsch.) I was not a Krys fan, but come on, she’s been out on maternity leave for the last month. That’s rude.
Now on KERA at 7 p.m.: a repeat of Fresh Air (an improvement), followed by The Tavis Smiley Show at 8.

6 thoughts on “layoffs at kera”

  1. I know, I was pretty bummed when I heard about it on the way home. I wish I could afford more than my measly $5/month, but I can’t. 🙁
    And as vapid as Conversations could be, it wasn’t that bad…

  2. Oh yeah, they can fire you while you’re on leave. texas is an “at will” state. That means an employer can fire you any time, for any reason at all – or no reason. They can fire you because they pulled a number out of hat, don’t like your hair, or because they just felt like sacking someone that day.
    Technically, there are some very narrow exceptions under Federal law: if you can show it was because of race, religion, gender (somewhat) or ethnicity. But that is almost always impossible to prove, Than can always come up with some excuse to why you were given the axe. You have to prove dozens of people were sacked, and they were all minorities.

  3. I keep hearing about this “at will” stuff. What does that mean for benefits? In Canada you usually can’t get unemployment insurance if you’re fired, so laws are tougher (ie the employee must be given warnings at least 3 times, etc…) on employers.

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